A New Adventure
Following the lead of so many others before us, we have decided to start a blog. Now before you get too excited, this is not going to be one of those tell-all blogs where we recount the darkest secrets of our clients or share titillating tales spun in session. Like you, we would enjoy reading those things. After all, it’s human nature to want to know more about other people….and especially the fascinating inner workings of a troubled mind. But this is not about sharing interesting stories while changing the names to protect the innocent, the stupid, or the otherwise unfortunate souls who landed on our couches. This is about our own exploration of life based on what we learn through the therapy process and through our own living.
Why are we starting this project? Well, there are several reasons:
- Given we strongly promote journaling with our clients as a means of reflecting on life events to uncover themes for deeper meaning, we will use this blog as our own journaling. We suppose you could say that we’re going to heed our own advice.
- Everybody needs a creative outlet. We love anything artistic and expressive, from photography to dance to writing to sculpture to craft beers.
- We have long been encouraged by friends and colleagues to write something. Anything. Just to write because they’re relatively sure our writing “voices” would reflect our seemingly interesting story telling.
- Writing is a form of self-care. We are strong proponents of self-care activities that we do just because we enjoy them and they enrich our lives.
- Lastly, we believe in sharing as much information as possible to enrich the lives of as many people as possible. We may be secret keepers in session, but we don’t keep secrets about how people can live happier and healthier lives.
We hope that you will enjoy our musings as much as we enjoy sharing our thoughts. Of course, we would love to hear from you so please chime in.